During our live run for speech two there were clearly some things we needed to change or improve on. We need to first rearrange the room so everyone can see. To do this, we will ask everyone to move to the right side of the room where both doors are. This allows everyone to be able to see exactly what we are doing. Then we also noticed that we needed to be more coordinated when it comes to both me and Skyler talking, as well as add some extra fun facts while I finish braiding her hair. Just to make it so there is no silence while I finish her hair, and to make sure we are teaching as much as we can in our 7-minute slot to our classmates. I also will try and look up more to the audience while talking and braiding her hair to make sure we keep everyone engaged in the presentation. For our final presentation we will have our tools such as a hairbrush, comb, and hair ties as well. Overall, I feel as though Skyler and I did well and just have minor things to adjust or change for our final speech next Wednesday!
After watching our dry-run, I think we have a solid foundation, but there are a few areas that need improvement before our final presentation. Moving the table so that people can see the poker cars more clearly was a good decision, and we will keep that set up. I think that a printed out hand ranking cheat sheet will be helpful since people will probably forget or get confused about the rankings (I still do) after our initial explanation during the beginning. Another area of improvement is our speaking style. Some of the comments we received on the papers advised us to speak up more and reduce using filler words, so we’ll need to practice our delivery to sound more clear beforehand. One key adjustment I would like to make is explaining the structure of a round more clearly, such as how many betting round there are total, to help the audience better understand the flow of the game. Also, we should add a proper introduction where we introduce ourselves properly and our poker skill level, as well as a clear conclusion so the audience knows we’re finished. Our pacing felt okay overall, but we may need to speed up slightly to stay within the time limit. With these adjustments and more practice, I think we’ll be well prepared for the final run.
After looking back at our dry-run, I noticed there were multiple things that we could both improve on and change entirely. A big change that should be made for myself especially is less reading off of what the outline says and trying to focus more on looking at the crowd, as looking at the outline itself has been a crutch (for me at least) from avoiding interacting with the crowd when I get nervous or unsure. The comment cards given following our dry run we also a big help to me to know what to look for in the recording of our dry run so I could take note of it and practice it more. Our pace I felt was very good, in terms of fitting into the time frame of between 5-7 minutes, once we have the final segment of the videos demonstrating correct over incorrect form, I believe we should be right around that 7-minute mark. One other small thing for myself would have to be working on my tone, since I know I can sound a bit monotone unintentionally when speaking more seriously.
After review of our dry run, we noticed a few things that could have been improved upon. One thing I would like to note, I think we had good content matter, organization, and pacing, which will lead to a smooth well-rounded presentation. With out videos added in, I estimate our final presentation for this project will be around six or so minutes long, which I believe is the perfect spot for this presentation. However, there are multiple things in specific that I would like to work on for our final delivery. For one, I think I need to rehearse my part a few more times to be fully comfortable with presenting my speech. Although I know exactly what to talk about, I think pure practice will give me the ability to portray what I want to say to the audience far clearer. Another thing I’d like to work on is body language. I feel when I am up there at times, I freeze up my hands/body, where I want to appear more animated and enthusiastic about my subject, because I am. Although we have some things to improve on, I believe our final presentation will be our cleanest yet.
I think there are a few different areas that I could improve on when giving this speech. I definitely say “um” a lot. I can work on this by slowing down my thoughts and forming a full sentence in my mind so I hopefully won’t feel the need to say it as much. Also, the more I practice giving the presentation, the better I’ll know the exact words I want to say so I won’t need to throw in filler words. I also realized that while I was standing I was doing some nervous movements like moving my feet around a lot. I think when I give the actual demonstration of doing CPR that this will help with the fidgeting a bit. But, I can also consciously think about how I’m standing and what I’m doing with my body and this may help me feel more grounded. From the video, it sounded like I was speaking clearly, but I also think I could speak a little louder in case the people in the back could not hear me as well. As far as what worked well, I don’t think I spoke too fast compared to other presentations I’ve given.
Word count; 206
When watching over the video our classmate, Tucker, took of our day run speech, it was a humbling experience to look back on. I realize that I do indeed, mumble too much and I do not sound confident. For the next delivery, I want to work on my confidence, along with the mumbling error. I have always mumbled, its been a struggle I have been having all of my life, and I have been trying to fix it. However it’s a hard fix, I think the biggest problem with this is confidence. I lack the confidence of the topic, even though I have been teaching people for years how to throw dough, there is something about teaching our classmates this skill that has me timid to talk about it. I think to work on this, I will have too come to terms with, everyone is teaching something, everyone has that confidence, so I should too. I think that I get in my head too much, about what other people think of me. During out dry run, this really got to me that I can see in this recording, I saw myself get scared, t hen went back to this mumbling that I do, and I started to correct myself in my head of what to say, even after practicing. I hope the next run does better. https://ptilton.uneportfolio.org/journal-9/
When watching back the video of our dry run I noticed there were some points that we should work on. We should definitely take into consideration that some of the class could not see the demonstration very well. We also decided we are going to split up the introduction more because I felt like I did not have enough talking points outside of the steps of braiding. At first we thought it would be a good idea to split up the speech into two parts. She would introduce us and give background to our demonstration, and I would give the steps to braiding while she braided my hair. When we practiced with just the two of us this worked, but we realized that we needed to add more to our introduction and that since we did that it took us longer to get through. This made my part much shorter than the rest of the speech. I also need to speak louder since I am sitting down facing slightly away from the class while Brooke is doing the actual demonstration. We also realized that we should have some filler facts while she is braiding my hair so we are constantly talking and there are no weird silent parts of our speech. I noticed that I also say “like” and “um” often. That is something that can be very difficult to change immediately, so I will just have to focus closely on that.
After watching the recording of our dry-run, there were a lot of points of improvement I was able to find. The main thing I realized that I personally needed to work on was my overall body language. I recognized that when I am not speaking my body language is very awkward so I want to figure out what to do when I am not speaking to fix that. This leads to my body language when I am speaking. I found that my body language appears to be very closed off and you can tell that a lot of my movements come from anxiety so I want to actively work on that as well as we are giving the speech. This includes my eye contact with the audience as well. I realized I tend to look at our outline a lot so I want to fix that by the time we give the presentation. A second thing we needed to work on was our transitions from person to person and step to step in the recipe. This goes into the actual content that needed fixing. I found that we really needed to work on clarifying some of the steps. For example, we bring up folding in the chocolate chips at the end without ever mentioning them before or really finishing the previous step completely. My goal is that the work I did over the past week on this project will help me improve on these points on Wednesday.
Starting off it’s always weird to listen to yourself speak and I am kinda surprised that my voice sounds like that. In terms of some of the basics of speech giving, one of the things we were told to do was to be louder and I can see that in the video. I could just be the microphone on my phone but I did have to turn up the volume in order to hear both me and Nadia. I think in terms of the contents of our speech I think we did a good job there. Obviously we’re gonna talk about more things during the actual presentation but even here I think we have the topic down pat. Something I noticed about my body language is that I’m fidgeting quite a bit doing things like pushing my hair and stuff like that. I don’t know if it was nervousness or just something I do but it is kind of distracting. Finishing it up here, I do like how this went and I feel confident going into the real thing. The main things I should focus on is my volume, I should try to project better, and to be more relaxed as I’m giving the presentation so I don’t fidget quite as much.
Reflecting on my last presentation, I realize that there are a couple of places where I need to adjust in future presentations. One thing that I need to do is work on showing less information at a time. As much as I want to share helpful information, showing too much at a time can dilute the effectiveness of the message. Breaking it up and spacing myself will help me convey the message without overloading anyone. Also, I have to decide if I am going to sit or stand because it can affect my energy and level of interaction with the audience. I have found that switching between these two can appear unprofessional, so I will pick one and stick with it for a smoother experience. One of the things I’ve learned is to stop swinging around. I fidget when I’m nervous, and it distracts from my message. Paying attention to body language will hold people’s interest. Eye contact is something I need to work on too. I need to engage more with the audience rather than reading off my notes or the screen. Lastly, reading from the computer has to stop. I must have confidence in my preparation and speak from memory, which will allow me to speak more confidently and communicate better with the audience.
As I was watching myself do the dry run, I noticed that when I was not talking I was moving very nervously around and did not know what to do with my hands. Along with that while I was talking I kept using stutter words like um and ahh so I need to keep that in mind as I go through the actual run. I also thought my pace was a bit quick and that can be attributed to my nervousness about how it was going to go. I also did not step up to the podium which I did not notice when I was up there although me and my partner discussed where exactly we are going to stand during the real run. I also saw that I was more dependent on the outline more than I thought, which is something that I need to work on so I can maintain eye contact with the audience and create that personal connection to engage the audience. Overall I need to work on how I actually talk with the audience so I can develop that connection with them and by doing that they have more of a chance for the audience to truly obtain the takeaways that we want them to have.
11 thoughts on “JOURNAL # 9”
During our live run for speech two there were clearly some things we needed to change or improve on. We need to first rearrange the room so everyone can see. To do this, we will ask everyone to move to the right side of the room where both doors are. This allows everyone to be able to see exactly what we are doing. Then we also noticed that we needed to be more coordinated when it comes to both me and Skyler talking, as well as add some extra fun facts while I finish braiding her hair. Just to make it so there is no silence while I finish her hair, and to make sure we are teaching as much as we can in our 7-minute slot to our classmates. I also will try and look up more to the audience while talking and braiding her hair to make sure we keep everyone engaged in the presentation. For our final presentation we will have our tools such as a hairbrush, comb, and hair ties as well. Overall, I feel as though Skyler and I did well and just have minor things to adjust or change for our final speech next Wednesday!
After watching our dry-run, I think we have a solid foundation, but there are a few areas that need improvement before our final presentation. Moving the table so that people can see the poker cars more clearly was a good decision, and we will keep that set up. I think that a printed out hand ranking cheat sheet will be helpful since people will probably forget or get confused about the rankings (I still do) after our initial explanation during the beginning. Another area of improvement is our speaking style. Some of the comments we received on the papers advised us to speak up more and reduce using filler words, so we’ll need to practice our delivery to sound more clear beforehand. One key adjustment I would like to make is explaining the structure of a round more clearly, such as how many betting round there are total, to help the audience better understand the flow of the game. Also, we should add a proper introduction where we introduce ourselves properly and our poker skill level, as well as a clear conclusion so the audience knows we’re finished. Our pacing felt okay overall, but we may need to speed up slightly to stay within the time limit. With these adjustments and more practice, I think we’ll be well prepared for the final run.
After looking back at our dry-run, I noticed there were multiple things that we could both improve on and change entirely. A big change that should be made for myself especially is less reading off of what the outline says and trying to focus more on looking at the crowd, as looking at the outline itself has been a crutch (for me at least) from avoiding interacting with the crowd when I get nervous or unsure. The comment cards given following our dry run we also a big help to me to know what to look for in the recording of our dry run so I could take note of it and practice it more. Our pace I felt was very good, in terms of fitting into the time frame of between 5-7 minutes, once we have the final segment of the videos demonstrating correct over incorrect form, I believe we should be right around that 7-minute mark. One other small thing for myself would have to be working on my tone, since I know I can sound a bit monotone unintentionally when speaking more seriously.
After review of our dry run, we noticed a few things that could have been improved upon. One thing I would like to note, I think we had good content matter, organization, and pacing, which will lead to a smooth well-rounded presentation. With out videos added in, I estimate our final presentation for this project will be around six or so minutes long, which I believe is the perfect spot for this presentation. However, there are multiple things in specific that I would like to work on for our final delivery. For one, I think I need to rehearse my part a few more times to be fully comfortable with presenting my speech. Although I know exactly what to talk about, I think pure practice will give me the ability to portray what I want to say to the audience far clearer. Another thing I’d like to work on is body language. I feel when I am up there at times, I freeze up my hands/body, where I want to appear more animated and enthusiastic about my subject, because I am. Although we have some things to improve on, I believe our final presentation will be our cleanest yet.
I think there are a few different areas that I could improve on when giving this speech. I definitely say “um” a lot. I can work on this by slowing down my thoughts and forming a full sentence in my mind so I hopefully won’t feel the need to say it as much. Also, the more I practice giving the presentation, the better I’ll know the exact words I want to say so I won’t need to throw in filler words. I also realized that while I was standing I was doing some nervous movements like moving my feet around a lot. I think when I give the actual demonstration of doing CPR that this will help with the fidgeting a bit. But, I can also consciously think about how I’m standing and what I’m doing with my body and this may help me feel more grounded. From the video, it sounded like I was speaking clearly, but I also think I could speak a little louder in case the people in the back could not hear me as well. As far as what worked well, I don’t think I spoke too fast compared to other presentations I’ve given.
Word count; 206
When watching over the video our classmate, Tucker, took of our day run speech, it was a humbling experience to look back on. I realize that I do indeed, mumble too much and I do not sound confident. For the next delivery, I want to work on my confidence, along with the mumbling error. I have always mumbled, its been a struggle I have been having all of my life, and I have been trying to fix it. However it’s a hard fix, I think the biggest problem with this is confidence. I lack the confidence of the topic, even though I have been teaching people for years how to throw dough, there is something about teaching our classmates this skill that has me timid to talk about it. I think to work on this, I will have too come to terms with, everyone is teaching something, everyone has that confidence, so I should too. I think that I get in my head too much, about what other people think of me. During out dry run, this really got to me that I can see in this recording, I saw myself get scared, t hen went back to this mumbling that I do, and I started to correct myself in my head of what to say, even after practicing. I hope the next run does better.
When watching back the video of our dry run I noticed there were some points that we should work on. We should definitely take into consideration that some of the class could not see the demonstration very well. We also decided we are going to split up the introduction more because I felt like I did not have enough talking points outside of the steps of braiding. At first we thought it would be a good idea to split up the speech into two parts. She would introduce us and give background to our demonstration, and I would give the steps to braiding while she braided my hair. When we practiced with just the two of us this worked, but we realized that we needed to add more to our introduction and that since we did that it took us longer to get through. This made my part much shorter than the rest of the speech. I also need to speak louder since I am sitting down facing slightly away from the class while Brooke is doing the actual demonstration. We also realized that we should have some filler facts while she is braiding my hair so we are constantly talking and there are no weird silent parts of our speech. I noticed that I also say “like” and “um” often. That is something that can be very difficult to change immediately, so I will just have to focus closely on that.
After watching the recording of our dry-run, there were a lot of points of improvement I was able to find. The main thing I realized that I personally needed to work on was my overall body language. I recognized that when I am not speaking my body language is very awkward so I want to figure out what to do when I am not speaking to fix that. This leads to my body language when I am speaking. I found that my body language appears to be very closed off and you can tell that a lot of my movements come from anxiety so I want to actively work on that as well as we are giving the speech. This includes my eye contact with the audience as well. I realized I tend to look at our outline a lot so I want to fix that by the time we give the presentation. A second thing we needed to work on was our transitions from person to person and step to step in the recipe. This goes into the actual content that needed fixing. I found that we really needed to work on clarifying some of the steps. For example, we bring up folding in the chocolate chips at the end without ever mentioning them before or really finishing the previous step completely. My goal is that the work I did over the past week on this project will help me improve on these points on Wednesday.
Starting off it’s always weird to listen to yourself speak and I am kinda surprised that my voice sounds like that. In terms of some of the basics of speech giving, one of the things we were told to do was to be louder and I can see that in the video. I could just be the microphone on my phone but I did have to turn up the volume in order to hear both me and Nadia. I think in terms of the contents of our speech I think we did a good job there. Obviously we’re gonna talk about more things during the actual presentation but even here I think we have the topic down pat. Something I noticed about my body language is that I’m fidgeting quite a bit doing things like pushing my hair and stuff like that. I don’t know if it was nervousness or just something I do but it is kind of distracting. Finishing it up here, I do like how this went and I feel confident going into the real thing. The main things I should focus on is my volume, I should try to project better, and to be more relaxed as I’m giving the presentation so I don’t fidget quite as much.
Reflecting on my last presentation, I realize that there are a couple of places where I need to adjust in future presentations. One thing that I need to do is work on showing less information at a time. As much as I want to share helpful information, showing too much at a time can dilute the effectiveness of the message. Breaking it up and spacing myself will help me convey the message without overloading anyone. Also, I have to decide if I am going to sit or stand because it can affect my energy and level of interaction with the audience. I have found that switching between these two can appear unprofessional, so I will pick one and stick with it for a smoother experience. One of the things I’ve learned is to stop swinging around. I fidget when I’m nervous, and it distracts from my message. Paying attention to body language will hold people’s interest. Eye contact is something I need to work on too. I need to engage more with the audience rather than reading off my notes or the screen. Lastly, reading from the computer has to stop. I must have confidence in my preparation and speak from memory, which will allow me to speak more confidently and communicate better with the audience.
As I was watching myself do the dry run, I noticed that when I was not talking I was moving very nervously around and did not know what to do with my hands. Along with that while I was talking I kept using stutter words like um and ahh so I need to keep that in mind as I go through the actual run. I also thought my pace was a bit quick and that can be attributed to my nervousness about how it was going to go. I also did not step up to the podium which I did not notice when I was up there although me and my partner discussed where exactly we are going to stand during the real run. I also saw that I was more dependent on the outline more than I thought, which is something that I need to work on so I can maintain eye contact with the audience and create that personal connection to engage the audience. Overall I need to work on how I actually talk with the audience so I can develop that connection with them and by doing that they have more of a chance for the audience to truly obtain the takeaways that we want them to have.