20 thoughts on “JORUNAL # 7

  1. Me and my partner definitely struggled at the beginning to find something at the beginning that we both understood and felt comfortable in teaching someone else. We wanted to find a balance between hard enough that it would be a good challenge for us to teach and at the same time reasonable to actually teach someone how to do in the limited time that we have. We ended up deciding to do tying your shoes and it has been working out really well for us. The concept is one that we both, obviously, know a great deal about but interestingly enough also both do in completely different ways. We have not only started to learn each other’s methods for this task but also learned that there are even more ways than just the ones we considered. We have communicated over text and through editing a shared google doc but we also plan to meet in person and practice so that we can get used to the feel of talking directly to each other and get our timing down. It’s definitely harder than anticipated to get the timing down now that it is with two people with different cadences and ways of presenting but we are continuing to work on finding how to work well together.

  2. During this past week, I have been working on trying to gather all the materials that I may need for speech 2. Me and my partner are thinking that for speech 2, we would teach how to make slime. Therefore, I had to gather, glue, borax, glitter, and other materials that I might want or need. Ther hardest part of speech 2 was trying to develop an idea to do for the actual speech. To overcome that, my partner and I had looked up a few how-to ideas on the internet, but we didn’t want to do something boring. We thought that making slime was a creative idea, and doesn’t take long to form, and it’s easy to explain. So far, I ended up gathering the materials, and now I must communicate with my partner to decide how we want to form the speech and how we want to present the idea. I found all the materials that I needed to make any slime that I wanted to make unless it is a different type of slime rather than just normal slime. A hard thing that I think will be difficult to overcome is how we are going to form the speech, so it is actual 4 minutes or more but yet somehow incorporate both of us in the speech as well.

  3. This past week I have been working with my partner Grace on our Speech 2 project. We decided that we were going to do our speech on how to do split squats. Together we brainstormed what we can talk about in this speech. We came up with the idea of talking about how to properly perform this exercise, the muscles worked, why this exercise is beneficial, and injury prevention. These are just a few topics we will discuss in our speech and we are brainstorming more ideas currently. I have been communicating with Grace through Snapchat messages but we have found that it is hard to find a time to meet where we both have extremely busy schedules. We are working on a time to meet where we can perform the exercise to show how we will demonstrate this skill and how the person who is speaking during the demonstration can communicate verbally what we are showing. I think that we have been successful in coming up with topics we can talk about in this presentation. I think we will be able to give this speech comfortably to others because we will be extremely comfortable with this skill. In the upcoming weeks, we plan on coming up with more topics that we can include in our presentation, but we also plan on working on our demonstration. We want to have a good flow during our presentation, where the demonstration does not take away from our speech but rather is a visual aid to the audience. We also need to plan who will be saying what and how we are going to make this speech flow. Our goal is that the audience will be able to perform this task or explain to someone else how to perform the task and why it is beneficial.

  4. To begin this journal, my partner for this project is Casey. We decided we are going to teach the class how to throw and catch a football. We started last class working on our outline and we got a good amount done. Over the past week, Casey and I have communicated over text messages. We have a shared google doc where we are able to work on the project. We split the work up a little so that it would be easier. We worked together on how to throw a football and write that down on our outline. He has been working on how to catch a football portion.
    The past week, I have been going over the steps to make sure that I don’t have to keep staring at the outline when presenting how to throw and catch the football. I think the overall challenges that we have faced haven’t really been there. We have worked very well together so far and haven’t really had anything pop up that was an issue yet. I think overall, the project has been a success so far. I think we definitely will have to practice together and decide who says what when, but that will happen next class. Overall, I think Casey and I have gotten along pretty well so far and I hope that it continues smoothly.

  5. Me and my partner, Kiera, have been working on teaching everyone the skill of making slime in the class. We plan on making slime beforehand so that everyone can see that there are different kinds of slime that you can make and not just the one that we are going to make for the class. Kiera told me she already bought the materials that we needed to make the slime beforehand and what we could use while we present. We talked about making the prop slime to show off a few days before we present to the class so that way it won’t dry up and be gross. We haven’t come up with any challenges and the way how the two of us are communicating is through Snapchat. I think that showing people how to make slime for our presentation is going to be a success because it’ll remind people of when they were younger and watching slime videos. I just think it’ll be a fun and nostalgic experience for everyone.

  6. Over the past week, my partner and I have been communicating regularly about our speech. Kassidy and I have been texting back and forth about possible ideas for creating a successful speech. Additionally, we have been working on creating our script, including ideas about our overall project. This script is more of a working outline for now, but it will improve within the next couple of weeks. These are just our raw ideas, not exactly our final ones. Our largest issue right now is discovering how to keep our script in the time frame that is expected. To fix this issue, we will just have to practice a lot. Furthermore, a success would have to be that Kassidy and I both enjoy getting our work done promptly. We have not been pushing everything to the last minute which is very helpful when working on a team project.

  7. Over the week, I have researched split squats to learn the form and benefits and use the information to write the speech. I have started a rough outline of the benefits, form, muscle groups worked, and injury prevention. My partner and I coordinated by text a time to meet each other at the gym to see how we could best demonstrate the skill and what props we wanted to use. I also got to learn more about the proper form and technique, as I hadn’t had much experience doing split squats. We discussed the best way to split it between us who could speak when we teach the task, and how we would use the props. It was helpful to plan what we wanted to talk about, and I thought it was a successful meeting. I didn’t know much about split squats before we chose this topic, and I was worried that I would have difficulty teaching this as a skill. Doing the research has helped me feel more capable of teaching split squats as a skill. Meeting with my partner was also helpful because it made it easier to write the outline for the speech.

  8. After class last Wednesday, we were introduced to speech #2. This is a collaborative speech that we can do with a partner. Since the class, my partner and I have created a Google doc to plan out some ideas and create a rough draft of an outline for our speech. We have met a couple of times in person to go over how we want to give the speech as well as what order we want to introduce our main points.
    One challenge that we have encountered is figuring out the order we want to introduce our main points. The way we overcame this was by running through the speech in many different orders to figure out what order made the most sense and would be the most beneficial to our audience.
    A success that we ran into along the way was having many points about our topic. We have a lot of content to talk about to the class it’s just a matter of putting it all together!

  9. Casey Jordan
    Journal 7

    This past week Eadie and I have been working on our first outline for our speech about teaching the steps of throwing and catching a football. We exchanged phone numbers so we can contact each other about the project, share ideas and communicate on who is working on which parts. A challenge I faced is that I was in charge of bringing in our prop for a football, however I forgot my football at home the last time I visited my parents. After some brainstorming I remembered one of my friends had one in their room the last time I visited. So, I asked him if I could borrow it and we have our prop now. We have had success with this project in our combined knowledge of making an outline and we are both excited to teach this topic.

  10. Since the last class me and my partner is working on the project that we have to present in the class and in that project we are going to teach class how to play cribbage which is the card game. In the past week we made an outline for our speech that covers important aspects of our speech and also we were working on how to present it. We are communicating with each other by text and also many times epwe mate on campus to discuss further
    In this process we encountered some trouble presenting the speech about how we are going to show the class which card we have and how to play with those cards but at the end of the day we found a way for that problem.

  11. This past week, my partner and I chose to focus on our outline first and created a shared google doc to do so. We decided to dump as many ideas as we could onto this document, and narrowed it down to the main points that we felt were most important to incorporate into our speech. A challenge we have encountered so far has been finding time for both of us to collaborate on this assignment. To overcome this, we were able to identify a few times to meet up in between classes where we both were available to work on our speech. We encountered some success when it came to formatting our outline. We both agreed that we wanted to be engaged with the audience as much as possible, and one way to help us do this is by drafting a short, concise sheet of notes. Instead of writing long sentences, which tends to take our eyes away from the audience, we want to incorporate phrases and keywords into our notes.

  12. I feel good about the progress that we have made so far with speech 2. This past week we have worked on finishing up the working outline for our speech that we had started last week in class. We met up on campus in order to do so, it made it so we were able to communicate our ideas in person and made it more efficient. A challenge that we faced when working on the speech was the length. We had trouble getting it to reach the 4 minutes however as we practice more and incorporate our props I believe we will be able to achieve the correct length of the speech. We have been successful in working together and dividing up the speech so we each say an equal amount. We have also been good at adding in more information to lengthen the speech. The topic of our speech is kind of random so we have been successful in adding in some humor and having fun with the speech.

  13. This past week as been jam packed with a lot of things that I have had to work on, including this upcoming project. What me and Lilly have been working on so far is planning out an outline and fully defining what our topic is. As you know, we had a little trouble thinking of a topic, but once we took the advice you gave us after class last week, we started talking more and we focused on writing skills that we could teach someone through our personal experiences and advice, and we could use a story I have been working on as a prop and example to show the types of skills that I used and then explain them, and we could potentially have everyone write their own 4-5 sentence story, using everything they have learned to perfect it. We have met around two times in the Commons to discuss and we became more open with each other, and we made sure we were both on the same page before proceeding. We both follow each other on Instagram, and we communicated via messages on that platform. We made plans through those messages and that is how we ended up talking and meeting on both Sunday and Tuesday, February 4th and 6th. I think for me, the biggest challenge so far has been really thinking about what our presentation should be about, because we had lots of ideas that were too out of the box, but we finally found something that is personal to both of us. Furthermore, coming up with a plan to match the timeframes is tough because of how much both of us, primarily me, want to say. I think sitting down and fully discussing the ideas out has helped us fully grasp our idea, while on the other hand, the biggest success we encountered and had is definitely the fact that we overcame our biggest obstacle and are seemingly on the right track. I am happy to say that we have an idea and a plan, and we want to use whatever advice and feedback we receive to perfect it. I hope you like our presentation.

  14. This week we had just been brainstorming ideas about what to do because juggling didn’t work out and then starting to structure our speech. We landed on how to tie your shoe because I saw this interesting thing where there is a weak was to tie your shoe and a strong way. Basically, if you have to tie your shoe often or double knot it because it always comes loose, then you are probably tying it the weak way. We have made a shared document and have only been able to meet a few times because of our busy schedules. I think the most challenging thing has been figuring out how to structure our speech because we have different speaking styles. I think the most success we have had was agreeing on the topic we were going to cover.

  15. For speech two my partner and I chose to talk about how to play the game cribbage. I know how to play it and have been playing it for at least 13 or 14 years. Every year our family and friends play a cribbage tournament with prizes and it’s very fun. I think I’m pretty good, but since I’ve been playing so long I don’t think about the intricacies of playing the game. However, since my partner does not have any experience playing I have had to learn how to teach someone how to play the game. How to “dumb it down” aka just explain the basics without complicating the basic rules with too much strategy. My partner and I have gotten together to play twice over the last week, we have been communicating in person and over text, and we have gone over the main points we should talk about during our speech. I then took time to write out all the rules I remember, adding subpoints about suggested things–strategy–you should keep in mind while playing. So I think the main challenge of this project is realizing how much actually goes into this game and how far away the basic rules are from the strategy. I have overcome that challenge by thinking about what the basics of the game are, what are the goals, what are you trying to do each round, and writing down those foundations first. Then as we played I remembered more things I forgot to add because they are second nature to me now. I think getting to teach someone who didn’t know how to play before having to teach it to the whole class was so so helpful because I never would have realized some of the things that I did while I was teaching.

  16. Journal 7
    For speech 2 me and my partner have been working on trying to really figure out what we want to talk about. We have narrowed it down to two topics. The first one talks about being a commuter and the challenges and the negatives and the positives. The second one talking about how to make a bacon egg and cheese because we overheard another group talking about maybe doing how to make chocolate covered strawberries. So we thought that could be a good idea because there’s many steps you have to do to make one. We have been communicating in person and through text. We have other classes together and we see each other a lot. I would say we have not had any challenges other than trying to find a topic or to pick what topic we want to talk about. What I have personally done to overcome these challenges is lay out all the information that we would need for each topic. So that we can pick what one we like more based on the information we would have to present. I would say the success that me and my partner have had is that we have agreed on a lot of things and have not argued about what they wanted to do or what I wanted to do. We have agreed on basically everything.

  17. Over the past week me and my partner have been meeting up and cementing our plan for the speech. In class on the 31st we completely developed our first outline. Since then we have met up to complete our working outline. So far we have our working outline finished and we will continue to critique our outline before turning it in. Over the past week since getting the assignment we met up to practice going through our speech while timing it. We aren’t completely in the time frame of 4-7 minutes but we will be ready for the 2 minute rough run through next class. To communicate with my partner taryn it’s been relatively easy since we chose each other as partners. Some of the challenges we have come across are trying to fit the speech in the time limit, and choosing a prop for our speech. To overcome this we ran through our speech to decide when the best time to incorporate our prop would be and this helped us choose what to use as a prop. One thing we’ve been successful in so far is divvying up which partner will be reading which part of our speech.

  18. With my partner we chose to do a bacon egg and cheese on a bagel. We have written our speech as well as already edited it as we went so we have a better understanding for the weeks coming. We have been meeting outside of class on most days to get it completed. We have already figured out our props for our presentation which I think will be a little funny so we hope to get the audience involved and keep them entertained while we stand up there for so long. The only “problem” that we encountered was deciding on what we wanted to do for our skill. We thought about the struggles of being a commuter such as parking and leaving early then campus residents for class but we really struggled with making it long enough but also interesting as well as figuring out what we could use as a prop. We have had a lot of successes and think our speech will go very well. I think we work very well together as partners as we have not had any arguments or really any disagreements on anything regarding this presentation. What I have done personally is made lists of things we need to add and organize them so we could make our speech flow better.

  19. My partner Stella and I have been coming up with the necessary steps to perform our skills. That required a little bit of research on the techniques and materials we need for our skill. Because I am off campus and she is on campus we have been texting back and forth to communicate our ideas back and forth as well as having a shared google doc to collaborate on. We have come up with a rough outline of our script that we will use while performing our skill. It could still be polished up and edited but we are still in the rough draft phase. Most of the ideas like ones in our script or ideas we were throwing out there will be finalized for our final presentation. I think our biggest problem that we will face is making sure that our script we have written out fits in the time frame we were given and that we are able to finish our skill without going over the timeline. In order to ensure that we are within the time limit it will require a lot of run throughs. I think that Stella and I work well together and try to get things done on time or ahead so that we have enough time for practice as we get closer to presenting.

  20. We have been working on this speech through messaging one another and meeting up in person. We got together on Friday and Tuesday to go over some topics we think could be incorporated into our speech to make a more efficient and clean delivery. Although our speech seems to be a little ambitious, I think that even though we are trying to teach our peers a skill, that writing and formatting this speech will help me better my knowledge on speaking publicly as well as just simply becoming a better and more well-rounded writer. I think that the idea of bringing in the text manuscript was a little far fetched as it did not have any ties to the audience as personally as some other items might. That was also a big factor of our discussion although we have yet to come up with one. However, I am very happy about the speech’s content thus far and I am actually kind of excited to present soon.

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