21 thoughts on “JOURNAL # 11

  1. This week we put a lot of focus on making our speech longer. Since during our dry run we struggled to meet the time requirement we added a lot of new information including elaborating on the need to have strongly tied shoes and how that is applicable for not only day to day use but also athletes. We continued to get together in person and do dry runs of the presentation, trying to recreate the situation that we will have to deal with when we present in front of the class next week. We put emphasis on building off of each other and trying to get down the timing for when each of us were done speaking our part so that it flowed more seamlessly and didn’t feel too scripted. The big goal was to make it feel like a conversation and also have it be easy to follow. We worked on making sure that people walked away actually feeling like they learned something. We didn’t want them to feel like they were overwhelmed with too much information, or the opposite extreme, that we had wasted their time trying to teach them something that they didn’t actually have any need to know. I feel like over the last few weeks we have done a good job building off of each other and learning each others’ strengths and weaknesses by not only adjusting to accommodate each others’ styles but also allowing each of us to have our own outline so we could meet somewhere in the middle of our comfort zones.

  2. Over the past week Taryn and I have been communicating the same way. We still have a shared google doc however our speaking outline is pretty much done so we haven’t had to add to or change it much. Now we have just been focusing on rehearsing the speech we have. We have had a lot to work on after watching the video from our dry run speech, luckily it’s mostly small easy fixes. One challenge we have encountered is trying to figure out how to show how the bed we’re demonstrating making is oriented in the room so people can understand which corner is which. To overcome this challenge we have decided to take a picture of how Taryn’s bed is oriented in her room to show on the projector while we present so people can see what we’re talking about when we say “top corner” or “right side”. Success we’ve had along the way is that we have done well condensing our working outline to be a speaking outline.

  3. Throughout the past week Maddy and I have been working on condensing our outline so we do not have to look at it as much and can make better eye contact with the audience. We have been working on a shared document throughout the week but also been trying to meet in person to discuss the changes that we have made. We also watched our dry run and wanted to make some of our descriptions more specific by saying things such as left and right. We have also been trying to practice with our props as much as we can so that we stay on track while delivering the speech. I have also tried to rehearse my part as much as I can to make sure I am not saying filler words because that shows that I have prepared if I sound confident in what I am saying. This speech is longer than the previous one so we are making sure that we keep getting it to be 4 minutes long but not be too overwhelming with information.

  4. Over this past week my partner and I have been going over what we can do to make our overall presentation the best that it can be. We have worked to re record our video so that we can talk and explain what is happening as the video is going on. We still are deciding on two different options as to how we are going to present the video into speech without it overpowering it. We really didn’t have any issues that we ran into while we worked on this speech except for uploading things to our eportfolio. With this assignment we had to upload our dry run video to youtube and then add that link, as well as our draft outline to our speech 2 page. The only issues we ran into with this was being able to add the outline as a picture so it would show up right when people click on it instead of it being a link you have to download first. The other issue we ran into was making subpages, we couldn’t figure out how to make subpages to put all our work under the Speech 2 tab but eventually, we figured it out after lots of research and were able to upload it. I think we had a lot of success this go around, last week we got some feedback such as adding why we think making your breakfast at home is better than going out and why we think you should do it more. By doing this it also kinda related to the speech about financing which we thought was kinda cool that it happened accidentally.

  5. This week has been pretty similar to the past couple of weeks. We have continued to communicate regularly as well as meet in person. Meeting in person seems to be the easier way for us to get things done, as it allows us to talk to each other rather than just texting. Beyond communication, we have split up our final tasks and have been practicing on our own. The challenges this week have been very minimal, if not nonexistent. We had to figure out our presentation, but that was not difficult at all. With this, we have had many successes and our knowledge surrounding partner speeches has increased greatly. Our speech has come together well and I think we are both excited for the final run.

  6. After our dry run, we are feeling pretty good about what is left to prepare for our final speech this Wednesday. We still have our shared Google doc but most of our communication has been in person. As we have been working on this speech it has been very apparent that working on it in person is the only way we can make significant progress on the speech as a whole. This week we have been meeting a lot to keep rehearsing our speech. Working on using fewer filler words as well as trying to work off the outline as much as possible. We also talked about ways we can say exactly what we want to say, again this will come with practice and becoming more comfortable with our speech. Luckily we had a pretty solid start with our dry run so the only thing we needed to do was just keep practicing!

  7. Journal 11
    Over the past week my partner and I have been finishing up our speech to get it to be the best place that it can be. We have also been working on the video for the speech. We have been editing and shortening it because it was too long at first. So we have found ways to cut that down. We have also added suggestions to our speech that we received from the audience during our dry run. We have been communicating in person so we could come up with more ideas on what we could tweak to make it better. We also needed to be together so one of us could film the video and then we could edit that together. The only challenge that we really had was that part of our video was done in the wrong format so we need to recreate that part. We have most of it done and we feel really confident in what we have been doing. I feel we have worked really well together. We listen to each other’s ideas and really communicate. I think the successes that we have had are that we have no problems communicating with each other, we take the time to listen to each others ideas and we give constructive criticism.

  8. Over the past week Grace and I have been working on our speech in the document but also in person. We were able to meet and go over the flow of the speech and the style of it. During this time we also practiced our speech a couple of times. I found myself saying filler words a lot, especially “um” so I will have to focus on not using those filler words during the speech. I also found that at times I would have a hard time catching my breath and therefore I would lose track of where I was at or what I was saying. However, I am glad Grace and I were able to meet because I will feel more comfortable going into the speech after being able to practice with my partner. We also really focused on the little details of our speech, such as where we wanted to stand, how we wanted to perform the exercise, and how to make the speech flow all together. During our practice times we were able to hit the time mark, which we were not able to do during the dry run which I think is a good improvement.

  9. Since the last class me and my partner is working on the project that we have to present in the class and in that project we are going to teach class how to play cribbage which is the card game. In the past week we are working on how we are going to present our speech which can be more understandable to everyone and more visually and also in our dry run speed we speak longer than the time limit so we are working on how to make it shorter . Just like last week We are communicating through messages and we also have shared document so that’s how we are able to work together. In this process we have a problem about how we can make our speech shorter and better than before so my partner Josephine asked her mom because her mom knows this game better so with the help of her mother we made our speech shorter and better than before. That’s how we solved the problem.

  10. Over the week, I have been working toward polishing up the speech. There were improvements to make after doing the dry run, but I think Alyssa and I have been successful in making them. I reorganized my parts around a little bit so that they would flow better when speaking and I have been practicing so that I am more comfortable and less likely to add filler words. Alyssa and I decided to project an image of the weights so that the audience can visualize each of them when we are talking. We have been working on the document for our outline and have also met to run through the speech. We focused on the flow and organization. We also practiced using our props which is something we had not done yet, so that helped us figure out where we would stand and how we wanted to use them. We were able to get our speech between five and six minutes which is much better than the three minutes we had during the dry run. When we met to run through it, I noticed that I was still looking at my outline for fear of forgetting what I was saying, so I am trying to practice it as much as I can so that this doesn’t happen.

  11. This past week, my partner and I have been focused primarily on our delivery of this speech. We have been meeting up in person throughout the week to rehearse whenever we are able to. This has been crucial to our practice of Speech #2. Now that we are working together, we have to be able to feed off of each other’s delivery, and recognize cues from one another. Something we both found difficult during the dry run last class was trying not to blurt out filler words. It is hard to tap into our subconscious mind and change this bad habit, so the way we are approaching this is just simply by practicing aloud as much as possible. This ties together with being comfortable with our outline, as the less we have to look at the paper, the less dead air we have to fill. We have found that we are much more comfortable using our outline now compared to last week, which has come along with the practice we have put in. We can talk about our visuals without having to peek at our paper, which is going to help us feel more connected to the audience. This is something that we both are trying to work on in hopes to make the delivery of our speech more clean and concise next class.

  12. Over the past week, Casey and I both watched the recording of our dry run and made some notes of what we should work on. I think by doing this we were able to really communicate what could bring our speech to the next level, we agreed on all the things we thought we should do. We have been communicating over text and met in person a few times to practice our speech. One challenge we encountered was trying to lengthen our speech a little bit. We brainstormed some ideas and then did them each timed to see which would make our speech longer. We ended up getting close to 4 and ½ minutes so we are hoping that tomorrow in class when we deliver the speech we can speak slowly and calm enough to keep that time. Some successes that we had were that we both think our speech went really well. The fact that it went better than we expected definitely added some confidence to our speech and hopefully the actual one will be even better than the dry run. Overall, it’s been a good week and we got a lot done.

  13. This past week, to be completely honest, has been super difficult. Me and my partner have not made that much progress and communication has been difficult, but we are doing whatever we can to succeed. One of the biggest obstacles was our dry run last Wednesday going pretty bad. Even though I thought we did a great job, the feedback we were given was kind of harsh and extremely critical. It was super hard to receive it and definitely didn’t help us be more motivated, and because of that, the progress and communication we’ve made hasn’t been ideal. I have been working on making sure everything is ok and making sure that we are on the right path. I have met privately with Professor Miller to discuss ideas and ensure that we both receive an equal and fair chance. Again, we are a team and one of us should not be held above the other, which is essentially what disgustingly happened last week. It looks like we might have to present individually but I still want to ensure that we both do well. Even though this is the move we have to make, I don’t feel good about it, and I still believe that we are a team.

  14. This week my partner and I met once. We had come up with a different approach and had been planning it throughout the week and we finalized the details in person. I talked to some experts on the game and the consensus was that scoring is the hardest part of the game and so we will explain at the beginning of the speech how to score points in the scoring part of the round, then we will show three examples of hands and demonstrate how to score those. That way if anyone ever learns how to play the game they will be able to do the hardest part, scoring. I think a big challenge for this project is the fact that I do not live on campus, do not have time between any of my classes, and I work after most of my classes, so the only time I am on campus is for classes. I am a very introverted person and hate making plans with people when I could be in my lovely library of a room at home and reading. So it is very far out of my comfort zone to be going to campus to meet my partner and plan this speech. I am very much a “do it myself” person. Although I’m really proud of myself for being able to do it even though I absolutely hated it. Not my partner, just the experience. But overall I think we have a good idea and plan for our speech this week and I’m excited to see how it turns out.

  15. So basically, My partner and I connected over text as well as met in person for the past few days trying to figure out the best way to organize the speech when we give it. We figured out how we would teach the class our topic as well as not making to much of a mess. The most challenging part was me not being in class last week because I wasn’t able to receive in class feed back or practice presenting in front of the class. One good thing that has happened was actually figuring out the best way to give the speech but as well as figuring out ways to make it interesting and funny so the class will stay entertained. We accomplished our outline, as well as practiced our speech a few times and figured out the best way to make it run smoothly.

  16. This week we put our focus into extending our speech to make it longer. We struggled to meet the time requirement during the dry run coming in at roughly 2 minutes and 45 seconds. We have added more information expanding on how we tie our shoes using more descriptive words. Sarah is also expanded telling people why it is important to know how to tie your shoes a strong way to prevent injury in sports. We have continued to meet regularly and do dry runs seeing where we need improvement or slow down. We have tried to include each of our parts tying them together to flow with the speech. We want to make sure it comes off as a conversation of why relearning to tie your shoes the strong way will be beneficial to you. I think the work we have done will be shown in the final run of our speech nicely.

  17. Eadie and I both met up and communicated on what notes we took and what we think could improve this speech. We focused on making the speech longer by filling it up with more information and history. We also made sure our positioning looked the best and easiest to see from the viewer standpoint. After a few rehearsals we got past the four-minute mark and feel very confident about how we delivered the speech. We are both comfortable with not reading the outline during the speech as well.

  18. My partner, Melanie, and I have been working on our speech for a while now. Our biggest issue we’ve been facing is not being able to hit seven minutes. We have been meeting on our floor when we work on the speech since we live a couple doors down from each other. We have done run throughs to everyone we can make stop and listen, but are still struggling with the length. One thing we have had success in, however, is the ability to work well together. I think this obviously stems from a friendship we have, but it was refreshing because we are able to bounce ideas off of each other easier and also had a lot of fun creating our speech.

  19. This week my partner and I discussed how we were going to incorporate our props while presenting our speech. With that being said we also determine who is going to be doing what when the skill is being talked about to the class. We also finalized our speech to make sure that it flowed well while presenting. Taking into consideration the feedback we got from the class after our dry run. We did add videos for steps we couldn’t perform in class. Because we added those we are hoping that we still fit into the time frame given for this speech.

  20. Me and Kiera met Tuesday night to prepare for our speech on Wednesday. Kiera had already bought the materials we needed beforehand so we used some of our time to make slime in advance and see how long it would take for us to make it and if we would be able to fit that into our speech without going over 7 minutes or under 4 minutes. Making the slime was a little difficult for me so we decided that during our presentation Kiera would make it while we both talked about different things at certain times. She would explain what she was doing and I’d talk about alternatives for the products or chemicals that we used. We thought that our speech might take us 5-6 minutes and that was fine with us. We also went over who was going to say what and practiced what we were going to say when we got up there. I feel like me and Kiera are prepared for this speech and we just want to have fun with it. I think we will be successful. The only challenge we faced was that both of us were extremely busy because of other classes and medical emergencies so that was why we couldn’t meet up as often as we wanted to. I feel like we could have met up more but we just didn’t have the time.

  21. Jack and I decided it would be best to give two separate individual speeches than give one together. I decided mine would be about playing tennis. Despite the time crunch, I think the speech actually went really well other than glancing at my outline a few times. I definitely did not practice this speech as much as I should have. Just because there was a time crunch, I still should have practiced much more, and written a much better and refined outline. So I really have to work on that for next time. The time management is crucial for these upcoming speeches, and just life in general. I actually really enjoyed delivering this speech. I felt much more confident and comfortable writing about tennis than talking about writing, specifically only my weaknesses on the subject. I know I am not the best writer but it still kind of hurts to say out loud. Any ways, I am very glad we switched up the plans and went this route instead. It was definitely the best course of action for both Jack and I. I am really hoping speech four goes more according to plan though. In the meantime, I will definitely keep working on my energy levels and preparedness.

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