24 thoughts on “DRY-DRY RUN JOURNAL: IN-CLASS #1

  1. After the dry-dry run, I realized I needed to figure out what I wanted to say. I’m doing mine about my brother so obviously there’s a lot to say because I’ve known him my whole life. I have a lot to say and I know I need to narrow it down and just pick key points. I think if I sit down and think about what I want to say it will make it easier. I’m also struggling with deciding if I want to talk about my brother or my best friend Kadynne. I think it is all going to come down to which I’m more comfortable talking about and which I think I can make meaningful in the time we are given. I also want to be able to thoughtfully write this speech so it flows and sounds well thought out and not choppy. This was a dry-dry run and not perfect. I have a lot to work on but I know I can’t rush this or force it because I need to find the words to say when they come to me.

  2. While doing my dry run there are definitely a lot of things I need to work on. I have my person chosen as well as the 3 topics that I would like to talk about. I also have an idea of how I want to start and finish my speech. I need to work on adding more depth to my speech. I want to try and have specific examples for each main point for the three body paragraphs. I think having a story to go with each one will help draw people in as well as help me get my point across. The hard part will be trying to think of specific examples for each thing. But overall I think I have a solid start to this speech!

  3. I liked sharing my ideas with my group and I have found that I have a lot to say when talking about a person that means a lot to me. In class, I worked on beginning to draft my speech and figured out a story that I wanted to start with to highlight my sister and I’s relationship. I definitely want to work on developing the body of my speech further. I start with more of a funny story so I want the body to really highlight my sister as a person and show how important she is to me and the impact that she has had on my life. It is hard to determine what details to include in the body and I want everything to flow nicely, I don’t want it to sound like I am just listing facts. For this week the body is going to be my main focus. For my conclusion I wanted it to circle back to the beginning so it kind of ends with a bit of humor. I thought it would be nice for the speech to circle back but I can’t tell if more of a funny ending is appropriate for this speech. I will have to edit that part and see what ends up working best with what I have.

  4. after completing the dry dry run of speech 3 I was able to develop my ideas much better, and really decide what I want to share with the class. creating an outline for deciding how to structure my speech has been helpful. A few things I will need to adjust are the timeline of the speech, and cementing what stories from my past I feel comfortable bringing up in the speech in front of an audience. One thing that I think worked best was having three main adjectives that I think describe my mom and dedicating a body segment of my speech to each adjective. This helps me press the overall main idea of my speech, that my mom is someone to look up to. I will need to think of supportive details for each adjective that help to explain what I mean when I use the adjective for example when I refer to her compassion I may talk about what she does for work as a healthcare provider and how that makes her highly compassionate in my eyes as well as many other’s eyes.

  5. In this speech I don’t think I understood how hard it might be talking about my uncle in the ways that I wish to. I think something that’s working for me is the overall topic. This speech so far has been relatively easy to write with it being about somebody so close to me knowing them so well, I feel like I’m not struggling as much with this speech as I did others since I know what I feel like I need to say to get my perspective across. I think some things I need to work on over the next week is narrowing down the stories that I want to talk about and describing why I feel as though these specific stories are the most important to me to get out to others in order to describe my person. With this being said I think describing him more as a person in the beginning could be helpful for people to get a sense of who he is and why he is so important to me. I think it could be really easy to add too much so I think I am going to write down all the stories I want to add in and figure out which ones flow the best together. So, trial and error over the next week with testing different stories I think will be crucial to my speech delivery for next week.

  6. I’m discovering that a lot of people have different perspectives and different people that they want to talk about. I feel like this is going to be a speech that will help me feel more comfortable with the class and with the people in the class. I need to think of a way that I relate the body paragraphs to my introduction. I think my introduction is probably my most solid part of the speech right now because it has more of a hook and a way to grab the audience. I think that I have to think of a better way to reorganize my body paragraphs and think more about the way to end my speech. I want the body paragraphs to be more detailed and more heartfelt rather than just random stories that don’t really relate to the meaning of the speech. I feel that I have to put a lot more thought into the conclusion because all I have is how similar I am to my mom and that isn’t really enough for a conclusion. I want to add more of a thankful meaning to the end of my speech rather than just saying how similar I am to her. I want the end to be of how she helped me and how her traits are helping me now and how the way I was raised is going to help me was I continue to grow as a person and travel farther into the future.

  7. When I read my outline to my peers, they told me that using a story as an example of why my mom means so much to me is great because I have a lot of stories where she positively impacted my life and made it better. I think that I need to add how much she’s done for me and sacrificed for me to get where I am today. I might need to explain better how much she means to me because I am not great with my emotions and explaining how I feel about things. My mom and I also don’t get along at times and I’d like to touch on that our relationship isn’t always going to be perfect because of how differently we think and act but that we always have each other’s back because that’s what we’re used to. I want to pick two stories that are the most important and have an introduction where it talks about how strong of a woman she is. The stories that come after will help emphasize that point and how much she does for me.

  8. Before our dry run I was stuck on what I was going to write about. I knew the person but what about them did I want to point out. I felt that I wanted to have a grabbing introduction and not a typical this is who I am talking about and why. Doing the dry run with my peers helped me organize my speech even more and really helped me decide what parts of my person’s life I want to focus on and then why some of those things mean a lot to me and how the decisions my person made has made an impact on my life. Moving forward I need to write out more of the material I will be using and making sure it flows together to keep the listeners intrigued throughout the speech and making sure I am not rambling on and on. And in the future to start practice at 20 mins a day to be confident in my speech and material.

  9. The person I chose for my speech is my dad, who I am very close to. I know him very well, and have lived with him my whole life, so theres a lot I could talk about. I shared my first few ideas to my group to feel out the content, and I have a good idea of what might stick, and what might not. I have found that view my dad as a very positive person, so I want this speech to resemble him as a person. Based on what I have so far, I think I should add some stories of times that my dad has exemplified the qualities that make him so special to me. This will help me show the class the type of person my dad is, rather than describing him. It will help bring his character to life within my speech.

  10. I enjoyed doing this dry-dry run with my peers. While I still only have a rough idea of what I am going to do with my speech, hearing their thoughts was helpful, and I will be able to use their thoughts when I fill out my outline. Additionally, listening to what they were doing for their speech was helpful because I could work off of what they were doing. While I was listening to them, I was taking mental notes of things I could do in my speech or ways to better my outline. Furthermore, I think the ideas that I have come up with are pretty strong. The outline that I am planning out I believe will result in a pretty solid speech. I feel very prepared and passionate about this topic. I think that this is going to be my best speech. I have been waiting for a time to talk about this person, so realistically I have been planning this out for years. While I love my grandfather as much as the rest of my family, I think I have been waiting for a time to truly share his story. I think it’s inspiring and almost uplifting even though the story is not necessarily happy. Lastly, I think I can trim down my speech and make it more organized. While I have an outline, I almost word-spit for about an hour while I was writing it. I need to practice and add transition words to make it flow as well as organize my ideas so it’s not just a word jumble. I want to work on presenting an idea at the beginning and kind of circling back to it at the end. Even though this is just a rough idea, I think this speech will turn out good in the end.

  11. Journal dry run dry run
    I’m discovering that it’s going really well and it’s fun in a way. You get to talk about a person that you love and a person that you really look up to. Also there’s no restrictions on the speech besides the fact that you don’t want it to be longer than 6 minutes. That’s a hard part because it’s hard to only say certain things when you’re talking about such an important person in your life. I would say a lot is working just really sitting here and thinking about all the memories you have had with this person and all the stories you want to tell. Just really putting it all into context. I don’t think I need to add anything. I definitely think I can get 4-6 minutes out of this speech. I think that that will be the easiest part. The only thing I think I’m going to adjust is the order I put things in so I’m not all over the place. I’m definitely going to build this speech to make it the best that I can and to really get my point across on why this is the person that I picked.

  12. I am excited about the direction I’m headed for my next speech, as I write more of my dry run, I remember more and more experiences I can use to add value to my speech. I have been having challenges about what order I want to deliver the speech and when I should use stories. As I keep writing down what I’m brainstorming I am hopeful that those uncertainties will straighten themselves out. I am happy with the message I am trying to give to the audience which is that my story is about much more than just a football coach helping me with my sport. It’s about him teaching me how to become a better man even thought I couldn’t always see it in the moment. I want to work on highlighting that message in my speech a little bit more, so it doesn’t just come across as a football story to the audience. I need to think of ways to incorporate a healthy balance of football and life skills he taught so I can show the audience how he made me a better person while using the sport of football as a vessel to do so.

  13. I really liked talking to everyone about all of the people that they chose because hearing how much they care about those people and the connection they have was really inspiring. It really helped me to connect with the prompt and the group on a deeper level because I got to see all of these different relationships that they have. They weren’t all family members or lifelong friends so it was cool to see how much love my group members had for their coaches and new found friends. The main thing that came up for us repeatedly was that we all have a lot to say about these people that we love but we don’t have enough time to talk about it all so what pieces of our stories do we want to keep and what do we want to get rid of? Keeping in mind the fact that what we keep has to be powerful and important enough that the speech doesn’t loose its’ power with the aspects of the speech that we drop. When I was talking through my speech it was already at 4 minutes so I will definitely have to cut some things down and simplify it so that I can make it fit within the timeframe we are given. I think some ways that I could go about doing this are by getting rid of many of the filler words that naturally come up as I am just talking through it, spending time rehearsing, and also simplifying the stories and getting rid of little details that are nice to know but not necessary to understand my dad and the relationship we have that I am trying to explain. I certainly chose a good person to speak about because I have a lot to say and a lot of, but not too much, emotion around him but now I need to figure out how to narrow it down to get a powerful story conveyed in 4-6 minutes.

  14. It was helpful to talk through the outline of speech 3. Before the dry run, I was not sure what I wanted to focus on, but I have a better idea after. It was also helpful to hear feedback from others. I have chosen to talk about my grandfather and the important lessons that he taught me. I was worried that I would have a hard time talking about this since he passed away a few years ago, but I feel more capable after talking through it. Over the next week, I plan to figure out which stories I want to share and how they fit in with my three main points, which are the lessons that I have learned from him that have shaped me into the person I am today. I have a lot I can say, so I need to narrow it down for my body paragraphs, but I also need to focus on how I want to gain the audience’s attention and close out the speech. I still have a lot to work on as I continue to develop the speech, but overall I feel that I have a solid start.

  15. When doing my dry, dry-run during class, I found that I have much to say about the person I am talking about. I think the hardest part is being able to cut down all my points to make sure that I hit between the time period and say everything that I want to say. I feel like I need to also work on how I can make all my points flow together and transition clearly through the points. I was thinking about going in chronological order when speaking about my points and the people in my group thought that was a great idea to make the speech flow. I think that during these points I can talk about short stories that can relate the points together and make the speech be able to flow. I also want to add some humor to this speech and show how much I care about this person, to the point that others can feel how much I care. I think what is going to work for me is my passion and love, I know that I can speak clearly about them and my passion and love for them is only going to benefit me in this speech.

  16. I get jittery even when just speaking about ideas I have and I need to stay focused on the points I am trying to make without repeating myself. I think I have good ideas in ways I would like to structure this speech but executing them while speaking is my challenge. Everyone has someone important in their life and finding why that person is important and sticking with that is what is going to be essential for this speech. For my speech, I am going to speak about my old teammate Ella. I want to hit on the fact that she was a natural-born leader and it’s those skills she has that helped me personally and also others around her. For this speech, I want to focus on practicing it, because in my first speech, I didn’t practice it enough and it led to me missing critical points I wanted to speak on. I think if I try practicing this next speech in front of someone else like a friend will help and I can get feedback on what they think as well, before speaking in front of the class. There is a lot about this speech I need to expand on but I think I have laid out a good foundation to build off of.

  17. I discovered that talking about my dad will be a bit more difficult than I thought it would be, but I am still eager to do it. I told my group about how he has lived a crazy life and makes it his mission every day to make sure my brothers and I live a much easier one and never go through what he did. My group gave me really good insight and suggested keeping sentences that I said to them in my speech because they resonated with them. I am eager to keep working on my speech and perform it because it is something I am really passionate about, and my dad deserves to be talked about. I also really liked hearing my group mates ideas because they gave me ideas for my own speech. I think everyones speeches are going to be so different and unique because we all come from such different lives, and I am excited to hear everyone’s and see who helped them become the people they are today. I think once I have more time to get my thoughts down on paper and a good speech draft set, I’ll be able to provide more product to my group mates and they can give even more feedback.

  18. After going through the dry-dry run, I am discovering that I am much better at organizing my speeches than I thought I would be. I planned out my entire speech today and talked about it to my group, and I got really good feedback on it as well. I am discovering that a mixture between funny jabs and stories, as well as serious topics and impactful lines balance each other out really well. I can make people laugh and make them feel something at the same time. I have all paragraphs filled out, as well as certain points and sentences that I can use to remember each section of my presentation. I want to come off as authentic and pure in my speech and really tell everyone what I have been through. I owe a lot to this person, and they have been a huge part of my life. They deserve to be celebrated and I want to honor them. What seems to be working is my mixture of humor and serious topics. I have the chance to poke fun at this person, while at the same time giving them respect and honoring them. It is like a mixture between a roast and a commemoration, and that is what I want to focus on. The only thing I think I have to adjust is cutting the fat and making it shorter. I want to be able to get everything I say in the appropriate time period.

  19. I really enjoyed getting to talk about our ideas in small groups, it allowed us the opportunity to bounce ideas off each other and get a feel for what others think and/or feel about this speech. I am discovering that everyone will want many many pictures of the subject of my speech, and while the thought to add a photo did cross my mind I didn’t have my mind set to do it. I am also discovering that I have so much to say about my subject and I’m really excited/happy to talk about this. I got some good encouragement feedback on my introduction and I’m really glad about that because I thought it was really clever. I think I need to expand upon my conclusion and talk about how much his presence in my life has affected me. I didn’t get any feedback to change anything so I think if I keep going in the direction I am headed I will have a good speech.

  20. This speech is going to be about my best friend, Emie. She is from the Netherlands so it is spoken like “Amy” but spelled how it would be in Dutch. Emie is 15 years old, and we only met on December 11th, just over two months ago. We met in a roleplay group chat based on Heathers: The Musical. Their character is actually my character’s best friend. A lot of people hate the idea of a roleplay group chat and so I hate talking about it in front of other people. Sometimes if I talk to much about Heathers, or Mean Girls, or any one topic really, people, as in everybody I know except them, start to get extremely frustrated. With Emie, I never have to worry about that because we are really similar. Heathers was the basis of our meeting and so it just makes the movie even more special for me. I love that she doesn’t really care what other people think. One time, she wrote a poem about me for her class, she wrote a story about me and published it, and even today, during our 15-minute break, she was drawing a picture of me. I think one of our most bonding factors is that we are both neurodivergent, so we often text each other in order to help calm ourselves down, or get over our highs, or just help get a basic understanding of experiences. I didn’t know I had ADHD until I met her and so afterwards, I went to my doctor, and she was surprised I didn’t know and that it was actually relatively strong. Because I know this, I can work on being less intrusive on conversations, boundaries, and plenty of things I am currently struggling with. She teaches me new things every single day, big things like that, and tiny things about movies that make me ridiculously happy like how the characters were standing in order of height. Everything about them brightens my day.

    1. These were the original main ideas of my speech. I plan on making it a little more concise in order to stay in the 4-6 minute time limit. The main points will most likely end up being how we met, her assistance in my mental health healing and exploration, and all the bigger things she has done for me. Overall I am very excited for this speech and I think it will turn out very nicely.

  21. I change on who I am doing it on so I feel that I need to plan it out a little bit more. I feel very confident talking about this someone since I know them personally and it’s a topic I want to talk about and not like giving a speech on something I don’t want to talk about. I feel that I should tell the funny times as well as the most annoy times. I do plan on making a slide show of photos to show to everyone how silly he is at times. and it will help also engage everyone and be interested in what I am saying about him.

  22. As we are going through everyone’s speeches I gave some feedback and I also got some feedback about my speech 3. I realized that others’ speeches are very different from mine and also two of my peers are going to talk about their dog which is very interesting, so, think that it doesn’t matter who you are talking about if it is animals or humans. When I gave my speech I got a lot of feedback about what I should add and what I should not talk about or what I should talk about more. In my speech I’m going to talk about my grandfather who helped me in my childhood and in my teens. And in this speech I have to edit something like “my grandfather taught me lots of life lessons during my childhood” in his one I have to give more about what kind of life lessons he taught me and how it helped me in my childhood and is still helping me. And more I also have to add thing which I talked about my grandfather today with my peers such as what other important things you have seen in your grandfather and what you have learned.

  23. To be able to prepare for the dry run, a few things need to occur. First of all, I need to cut down my outline to make sure I am not sharing too much and I am focusing on the important details. This will allow me to stay within the time range. I could talk for hours about my person so narrowing down on the important parts will be necessary. Additionally, I need to add in transitions to make the speech as a whole flow. Next, I need to practice. Practicing will ensure I am confident with my speech and make the dry-run presentation run smoother. Lastly, I need to read through and make sure everything makes sense. I started by just word-spitting, so not all my ideas align and make sense together. I want to make sure I am presenting a clear point. I think I have my main ideas set in stone, but I definitely need to iron out my details.

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