22 thoughts on “DRY-RUN JOURNAL: IN-CLASS #2

  1. I am making a lot of great progress on this speech. It feels like everyone who has heard my speech and how I’m presenting it is liking the ideas and I am getting really good feedback on it as well. I think my biggest strengths, and what seems to be working the best, is the organization and content in the actual speech. The parts that are supposed to be funny are landing and making everyone laugh, it is not coming off as cheesy or awkward, the serious parts are well written and have impactful words and sentences, and I am getting feedback from everyone that it flows well, and it transitions smoothly. Furthermore, I am being told, as well as realizing myself, that I am speaking very clearly and that I am extremely confident while up there. I am not showing any amount of nerves, nor am I letting the fear and anxiety overtake me. I also realize that the timing and structure of my speech is good. My run was exactly 4 minutes and that was what I was aiming for. I am extremely confident that I can deliver this speech in a confident way, and I know it will be impactful and unforgettable. I just got to keep going.

  2. I’m discovering that a lot of people seemed to have similar ideas of creating like a toast or tribute to someone personal and as a role model in their lives. I think that it has really brought to my attention that everyone has different ways of showing their ways to thank someone for being there. So far, I have been praised for the format of my speech as well as the details that I have included. I also felt that a lot of people explained how important people were based on life lessons that the person their speech was about has taught them. I feel that I can go more in depth with the details or add more to it because my speech has to be longer because it only got to 2 minutes long. I also feel like I have to slow down and take a breath because I felt really shaky and emotional while I was up there talking about all of the things that my mom has done for me. I think I could also add what my mom has taught me in the speech and give more information about how she has shaped me as a person today and how I got to this point in my life.

  3. In the dry run, I discovered many things about my speech. I think for a dry run it went pretty well and I was presenting the ideas that I wanted to get across. To start, I think I need to trim down the outline a little bit. Maybe add in more bullet points or central ideas to work on rather than reading the whole speech. I found myself a bit lost while I was speaking and that is not beneficial in the big picture. I believe this was because I had a lot of words on my outline so I would be lost while I was reading through it. Additionally, I think that I need more practice. My ideas were there but they did not flow. For some reason, I was a lot more anxious than when I performed my partner’s speech. I think this has to do with the fact that Kassidy and I worked off of each other when we were presenting. Lastly, I think I just need to become more comfortable with my speech overall. I like it a lot and I enjoy the ideas I am presenting, but I was very anxious going up there and I think I need to cut that out for the final

  4. I believe my dry run went very well. I am happy with how I was able to deliver the speech and I knew what I was talking about due to my rehearsals. Based on my feedback I know that my approach of telling three stories in chronological order was effective in showing the audience how Coach McMahon made me a better football player and person. I think I need to add more to my conclusion about how he made me a better person and how I’m still implementing what he has taught me in everything I do. I also plan to add more to my first story because it was much shorter than the rest. This will help me lengthen my speech as I came up short on timing.

  5. After delivering our dry run in class, I feel more confident in the direction I am taking my speech. After hearing back from others I think that people are understanding what I want them to get out of and why I am writing about the person I am writing about. While going over my speech I saw some areas that I could add a couple more topics and or details to give more life to my speech. I think that moving forward I need to practice and focus on making sure my speech hits the time limit. In order to do that I will need to expand on some of my ideas instead of condensing. I think that I could also add a story into my speech or some key details about the person I am writing about that I want the audience to know. Overall I think for it being week two, I find myself in a comfortable spot and have a good draft to keep moving forward.

  6. After doing my dry run in class in front of a few of my classmates I realized I still have a lot of things to work on. My speech was about 3 minutes, although I do think I talked very fast. I also need to work on making eye contact with the audience. I have not practiced that much yet so I think that will come with time. I am planning on adding another section in the speech about a personal experience that I had with my best friend Shelly. This way the audience will get more of a first-hand experience of the kind of person she is. I still need to figure out what story will best fit into my speech because there are a lot! Some positives were that I felt I was confident up there and also definitely had a good platform to continue to make my speech great. I plan to practice a lot in the future, especially in front of other people. My goals before my final speech are to add more depth about my friend and who she is as a person, work on eye contact with the audience, and making sure my points flow.

  7. After my dry-run, I can say my speech is better than I was telling myself. I went in lacking confidence with it and thinking it sucked, but my group had a lot of good things to say which made me feel a lot better. After presenting, the main comment was to maybe add one story to back up a point I had. I think I have the perfect story to add I just need to decide where to add it. I think once I add this I should be sitting around 5 minutes which is good. I think once I add that story I definitely need to work on slowing down a little and practice a lot so I don’t stare at my outline. Also speaking of outlines, right now I basically have a bunch of paragraphs so I need to work on turning it into a proper outline. I think now that I gained a little confidence from my group members I feel better about my speech and I will feel more confident presenting it next class. I think it’s all about confidence because I know for myself I wear my emotions on my face so you can tell I’m not confident. Over the next few weeks I will work on revising and slightly lengthening my speech and practicing a lot so when it comes to giving it I will be 100% prepared and confident.

  8. I think I did okay with my second dry run. I wasn’t as prepared as I wanted to be but I do think that I got my point across and that everyone knew what I was talking about. I feel like one of the stories I picked wasn’t that impactful and I also want to focus on how different me and my mom are from each other. I also want to look in on her background and talk about that so that people can understand what she’s been through and how strong she is for overcoming the things that life keeps throwing at her. I also want to talk about how she has impacted other people in my life, especially my brothers, and how she always makes sure that things are done right and her way. I feel like I can do that by asking them how they feel about our mom and what they think of her. I can also talk about all that she’s done for them too. I want to be able to convey my ideas more and not stutter as much because during my dry run, there were times were I would just zone out and blank because I forgot a word to describe what I was talking about. I think that I will do better next time because during break I’ll be able to talk to my mom and think about other things that I could add. I also don’t want my speech to just sound sappy so I want to include things that show our relationship isn’t perfect and just how different we think and are like.

  9. I think my dry-run went really well, my timing is in a great spot especially from what I had last week. I ran at 5:32 which is about where I have been ending up all week when I have practiced on my own. Other than that the key things that I noticed are the transitions in between that I need to work on, adding a bit more so that it is more seamless and I don’t have to overthink them too much. I was questioning the order of my key points but the group seemed to think they flowed well so I am trying not to overthink that piece too much. I think I am at a point where I need to let myself feel more when giving the speech. By this I mean that I tend to get very technical, following the “rules” that I know should make a good speech but with this it should be like a toast so I need to remind myself that it is okay, and will add to the speeches’ depth, if I let myself show a good balance of emotion. So this week I want to try to find that balance between emotions and professional presenting while I am rehearsing on my own and with people I know who are willing to help me practice.

  10. After presenting my dry run in class, I discovered that it was helpful to work in a small group. Once a member of our group gave their speech, we went around in a circle sharing what we though to be the most powerful piece of the speech and what we thought was working well. Being able to collect the thoughts of each member of the group helped me focus on what I can do to elevate this speech. My peers told me that they liked how I incorporated stories of my dad into my speech, which made it easier to get to know him. They also told me that showing his sense of humor and making a few jokes helped relieve the tension in the room. My peers pointed out that by talking about my dads relationship with my mom, it shows that he impacts more people than just me in a positive way. These are components that I want to expand on moving forward. This is a very heartfelt speech, so I want to share my dads personality with the audience.

  11. I got a lot of feedback from my peers telling me that I had good emotion in my story and they liked the way it was structured. I think I can expand on the conclusion of my story a little more because I was 8 seconds under four minutes and I would like that to be a bit longer. I think staying composed and not letting my emotions get the best is the most challenging thing especially if I expand on some ideas. I have a lot to say, but I need to add some more at the end of what Ella taught me. I feel like she taught me so much more than what I had written down or said but I haven’t found a way to work it into my speech in the way I wanted that doesn’t seem like it’s a bunch of bullet points. I want my speech to show the impact she had on my life and why it got me to where I am. I give more credit to her than I do my actual coach because she truly was my Coach. She taught me a lot about hockey and the values that are important to who I am today.

  12. I am discovering that this speech is going to be a lot harder to give than I had initially thought it would. Although I did not cry I still had the feeling of not being able to breathe right before you are about to start crying. I feel as though I did a good job with getting my point across about the type of person that my Uncle was and why he was such an important person to me. I think some things that I need to work on is making it flow a little better. As I was reading it out loud to everybody there were certain parts that didn’t make sense where they were so I moved them around and it sounded a lot better to me. Overall I was pretty happy with where I am at with my speech and for the next class I need to make it more of an outline rather than a script reading off of the page, as well as adding a better introduction and conclusion. As I was reading them I didn’t feel as though they had a very good impact on the rest of the speech like I had hoped that they would.

  13. During my dry run during class, I focused my attention on trying to make all my points flow smoothly together. During the speech, I realized that there are points that I want to add and also points that I want to move around to make the speech more impactful. After, I got some good feedback about the way that I structured my speech. However, I do need to add more points to reach the time limit. I got some good advice that I can tell a story or two to give examples in my speech about the person I am talking about. I think that is a good idea to add a story because when listening to other people’s speeches, I found myself more connected when they were telling stories. Overall, I think that the biggest challenge for me will be trying to make sure that my points go smoothly without just jumping back and forth from different points.

  14. I had a really good time with our dry run, not only did everyone’s speeches sound really good so far, but I also just felt comfortable with my group. We all had really good feedback for each other, and I’m eager to apply the advice and feedback they gave me when I present my speech. I also enjoyed being able to present my speech in a smaller group first, that way I could be prepared to do it in a larger group, but not jump right into that. I need to add more to my speech since it was under four minutes, and my group helped me come up with some things to add. They also told me my speech was well organized and flowed nicely, but I talked a little too fast, so that is something I want to improve on as well. Overall the dry run was nice because I know what to improve on before I present my actual speech, and I also feel more comfortable and prepared.

  15. I have discovered that there is insane amount of practicing I still need to do but after hearing the feedback from my dry-run group I know that my content is good and I don’t need to change much I just need to focus on rehearsing at this point. Something that has been working well is using individual short stories to sort of get my point across so that the audience can get to know my mom and see why I chose to write this speech about her. Until now I wasn’t sure if what I had for structure was going to be of interest to an audience but after preforming my dry-run in the small group I can see that what I have will work I just need to practice it more. I will need to add a bit to my speech or slow down when I recite it because I am a little under the time limit, I think I will rework the conclusion of my speech since it is pretty short and if it is the last part of my speech that sticks with everyone I think it should be more powerful and a little longer.

  16. I discovered after giving my dry run that I definitely need to rehearse more. I looked down at my computer a lot and did not engage with the audience as much as I would have liked. I also need to slow down, at the end of my speech my heart was racing and it did not reach exactly 4 minutes but I know it will if I take the time to slow down and rehearse more. I came into the dry-run thinking my speech was a little choppy and I was not sure about the story that I started off with in the beginning. However, I learned from the feedback that I got that they really liked it and the speech was well organized with some meaningful lines built into it. I really enjoyed giving my speech in a smaller group, it was still a little nerve racking because we had to stand up and talk about someone important. But I like the feedback that I was given and everyone always has something nice to say which made me feel really proud about how my speech is coming along. I learned that there are so many different ways that you can organize your speech and all of us had different aspects to ours that made it special. Overall, I was really happy with how the dry run went. For the final delivery I am going to make myself rehearse a lot and continue to give the speech as many times as I can, in front of different people. I also did not hit the four minute mark because I think I talked really fast however, if I am not still hitting it after slowing down I will add in a few more details to make sure I can get there.

  17. I discovered that my group members enjoyed the improvised beginning I did for my dry-dry-run, I shortened it for this dry-run so I will need to dig deep in my memory from last week to remember the rest of what I said. I think that will be an easy fix, because even if I do not remember the exact wording I do know what was working about my introduction that everyone enjoyed, so I am confident that I can replicate what I did even if the wording is slightly different. Everyone said they related to my speech and could connect with it very well, so I believe the content and flow of my speech are working well. during my dry-dry-run, I did skip a paragraph because I felt like I was up there for longer than I needed to be, it turns out that was just the nerves, so I will be adding that paragraph back in, and I know with that I will meet the time requirements. This past week I mainly focused on developing my speech, organizing it, and making it flow. So these next two weeks I will continue to tweak my speech and time myself practicing it, to the point I will not need my outline anymore and can just focus on the audience and not worry as much about forgetting parts of my speech. I got some good feedback and the only major thing I was asked to work on was what I mentioned at the beginning of this and everyone said the rest of my speech was good and they connected with what I said well.

  18. I felt as of what I have right now was good. however I do need to add a bit more because I ended a little after 2 minutes. I think my intro was very good I need to redo my conclusion I feel like I made it like a cliffhanger at the end. All the feedback I got back is exactly how I felt about it and also that my beginning was very well I just need to add like story about my best friend and to come up with a better conclusion. It did feel very weird having to be recorded however it made me more nervous than actually giving a presentation to the whole class. When giving my final presentation I feel I will be more confident and put more of a story in with a better conclusion than I had.

  19. After the in-class journal, I have a few things I want to work on before the final delivery. I was happy that I was in the time frame needed as when I was practicing my speech, I would sometimes go over. Over the next few weeks, I want to change its format to keep the audience’s attention. Some feedback I got is that there were moments when they would think I had finished, but I would keep going. I want to change it around so that this does not happen again. I also want to practice a lot more because I feel like even though I had run through it a few times, my voice was shaky and I was fidgeting. I think part of this is because I was trying to keep my composure. The last few weeks we had been working with someone else and had someone else to speak with and bounce ideas off of, and so this week I felt some of the anxiety come back as it was just me. I think doing it once in front of the group and getting feedback was helpful, and it will ease my nerves when I do the final delivery.

  20. Dry run – journal: in class #2
    I thought I definitely had a lot more to say in this speech than I did when we did the dry dry run. I had a lot more detail and worded things better because I had time to sit down and think about the few things I wanted to talk about for my pepe. I am discovering that towards the end of my speech it’s going to be very hard to talk about because it gets really emotional for me and I’m a really big family person. I do think my speech is forming really well. I’m saying what I want to say about him and I’m forming everything in a way where I’m not jumping from place to place. I do think a lot of what I’m doing is working. I really like writing this essay because sitting down and just thinking about all the good memories I have had with my people just brings a smile to my face and just makes my day better. Things I need to work on are definitely staying strong towards the end of my speech and just thinking about all the good things ive been talking about and maybe a little more detail in certain spots.

  21. I have found out that a lot of people have decided to do a eulogy or a tribute to somebody that they are much closer to such as a mother, sibling, etc. It makes me feel a little nervous that people will think I am taking the easy way out. I was originally going to choose my grandmother, but I am not sure I could have managed, even with a ton of practicing. I was really nervous if people were judging how little importance, they may have believed my speech to hold. It means a lot to me so proving that to them is the main goal. The speech was much to short coming in at around 3 minutes and 30 seconds. The most feedback that I got was better chronological organization and to go in to detail about more of the important memories we share. I definitely going to take this advice and put it in my speech. My excitement and anxiety get the best of me sometimes so I never really think as clearly or plan as well as I should. I am so thankful for the people in my group. I have no doubt that their feedback is the best I could have received.

  22. As I listened to my classmates’ speeches, I noticed they covered various topics, including some heartwarming stories about their pet dogs. It made me realize that what truly matters in a speech is not just the subject itself, but also the personal connection and the lessons learned. Reflecting on the feedback I received for my own speech, I understood the importance of going deeper into how my grandfather influenced my life. While I initially mentioned that my grandfather taught me many life lessons during my childhood and teenage years, I now see the importance of explaining what these lessons were and how they’ve continued to shape my life. Moreover, discussing with my peers about their own grandfathers could provide valuable insights into the different ways grandfathers impact their grandchildren’s lives. So, I decided to increase the length of my speech. I should add a story that happen between me and my grandfather.

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