Reflection as a Whole: Now that you’ve finished the project, what can you say about your engagement, process, discoveries, struggles, and successes along the way?

Reflection as a Whole: Now that you’ve finished the project, what can you say about your engagement, process, discoveries, struggles, and successes along the way?

14 thoughts on “Reflection as a Whole: Now that you’ve finished the project, what can you say about your engagement, process, discoveries, struggles, and successes along the way?

  1. This was by far my favorite speech. Being able to highlight my dad as an individual that I care so much about was really exciting, and getting to share my love for him with the class was awesome. I think my engagement when it came to this speech was the best I have had so far, because I genuinely was excited for my speech. I felt excited to work on it, rather than dreading doing an assignment. I enjoyed the process because I talked about my relationship with my dad, but I was also able to talk to my mom, nana, and brothers and get their input as well. A discovery I had was how hard it was to do the speech. I didn’t think I would get emotional, but when I practiced for the first time with my friends, I found it was a bit hard. I think I ended up being able to cover that up though while doing my speech. I was really happy with how this speech went, and was excited to share it with my dad after the class. He ended up really liking it, and I was glad I got the opportunity to show him how much he means to me and my family.

  2. Overall, I am pleased with the outcome of this speech. I was really worried that I was going to read right off of my outline like I have in the past two speeches. I usually spend a lot of time practicing but fear that I am going to forget what I am speaking about. This time around, I tried my best to not look down and remain in eye contact with the audience. I noticed that the times that I did look down were times that I was feeling more emotional and trying to keep my composure. I didn’t feel as anxious leading up to it which feels like an important improvement for me since this can hold me back at times. Since the dry run, I have spent a lot of time reworking the speech and changed a lot of it around. I kept the same structure but worked to give a specific outline so that the audience was able to follow it. There are a few changes I want to work toward fixing. I want to project my voice so that it is louder for those sitting in the back and I also want to work on fidgeting less. I noticed that I was fidgeting with my rings a lot, and I think part of it was because I was anxious about feeling emotional, but I do want to be more aware of this next time. Overall, I was happy with this outcome and know what I can improve for the next speech.

  3. Overall I feel proud about how I did. I did notice that this time I had a harder maintaining eye contact but that can be due to the fact that I was feeling so many emotions when speaking. I think from the beginning to the end, I rounded out my speech to make it flow smoothly which was the challenging part for me at the beginning. I think that this speech took a lot more work to prepare for because I had to prepare myself emotionally as well. I definitely spent a lot of time on this speech trying to make everything flow together and really express how much I care about my brother but also at the same time adding in some humor to express our relationship as siblings. I think if there was anything that I would do differently it would be to try to limit looking down at the paper. I found myself looking down because I was nervous not because I didn’t know what to say but because I felt like looking down helped calm me down. However, I think it would’ve been better if I had stronger eye contact with the audience.

  4. During the process of this speech, I found it difficult to not get emotional while creating it. In my case, writing about my, I found it difficult to talk about her because she means so much to me and never would I think that I would writing a speech about her and almost crying because it really brought out how much she had been through, which I have never really thought about. I knew she has done a lot, but it really brought my attention to what she sacrifices for me as a mom. I found it difficult trying to find things to write about because there was so much that I could choose from, finding just a few things that represent the bond we had was difficult. I think I did a good job creating a good introduction and an end. I think it was well paced. Personally, and what a few others said, I could have looked up from the paper a few times and I could have worked on my tone of voice a little more. I think the process from doing a dry run-in front of people and going though the ideas with a few people was very useful because I got feedback and praise to help me develop a better version of the speech. This speech I seemed to be a little more nervous than the others because I didn’t want to mess this one up for my mom due to how important she is to me, and I wanted to make sure that message got across to the audience as well.

  5. Now that I have finished the project, overall I am happy with how it went. I think my engagement throughout this project process could have been better. I have had lots of distractions lately so I think that took away from some extra practice time as well as polishing my speech up a bit. The process went okay I think after my first dry run I realized I needed to go a completely different way with it. My speech was more broad instead of focusing on the one person I was giving the speech about. Once I got some feedback and rewrote a part of my speech I felt a lot better about it. I noticed how beneficial the dry runs are. It is helpful to get input on my speech before I give the final run. As I said before I think I struggled with polishing and practicing my speech for the final product because I have been super busy. But I think I still put out a very good effort for my my speech.

  6. I really enjoyed working on this speech because it was easy for me to talk about my sister. I was not as passionate about the other two speeches and I wrote this one very easily. I stayed pretty engaged throughout the process because after I had my general layout I kept saying it in under four minutes. I had to work on adding new information that worked with the organization of my speech because I liked how I had it organized. The length of the speech was my biggest struggle because I would add in new information and it would not really affect the time, but I did not want to add too much extra information that did not fit with the rest of the speech. One success that I believed I had was my introduction and conclusion of my speech. I made the ending circle back to the beginning to wrap up the speech and tie it all together. Overall, I liked this speech and how it turned out. I definitely am still working on my confidence but I felt I have improved a lot.

  7. After delivering my speech I am feeling less nervous than I was in my first two speeches. The presentation went well I thought I could have looked up more though. I felt like I wasn’t even looking down to read my speech but just to avoid making eye contact with people; which is something I need to work on. I think as I am progressing it is getting easier to not feel as nervous. I felt that in this speech I did a better job at controlling the speed of my speech along with my stuttering. Comparing it to my first solo speech I think I was a lot more comfortable with the deliver with this one, along with more confident. It helped knowing the person I was talking about and the stories I was telling because they were from my own experiences. The process was definitely getting easier to know where to start and how to bring all my ideas together. I think I am getting better at making an outline that works for me as well, so I don’t loose my spot when I am reading. I think the hardest thing about this speech was that spring break we had and finding the motivation to continue to practice it over break. I enjoyed looking back at my time at Northwood and the impact Ella had on me and I am proud to say she loved that I still share this story today. Overall I think I have improved, but I still need to work on a lot. I think the next thing to focus on is making good eye contact with my audience and not fidgeting as much with my hands.

  8. Journal reflection as a whole: I think the process of writing this speech was really fun. This was definitely my favorite speech that we have done this semester. I thought it was fun because I really got to talk about and write about someone I truly care about. I got to talk about all the fun memories we had had together and things he liked and just him as a person so people could really understand who he was as an individual. It was definitely challenging at times with the dry dry run and the final speech because my emotions got the best of me. That’s not a bad thing because again it just truly shows how much you care. Other than that everything else just flowed because he was so easy to talk about. Practice definitely helped me along the way. It helped me add stuff that was missing or just taking stuff out that didn’t sound good. During the final run I did notice that I had a harder time keeping eye contact and I did fidget a lot but I do think that was part of my emotions getting to me at the end of my speech. Overall I am really happy with how this speech went.

  9. Speech 3 was a bit tough in the beginning because it was about a person you care or cared more about and it was too emotional to speak about it while holding your emotions. But as the time went with more practice I was able to speak without showing much emotions, with that writing script wasn’t dry tough but when I was writing it gave me some flashbacks of those memories with my grandfather. In the first dry run I got a bit emotional and I wasn’t able to finish on time which was a problem that I had to solve and work on so, after hearing others’ speech I realized I should add a story and more about my grandfather’s personality and make my speech sound better I added some good words. After practicing many times I was able to give my speech perfectly, without having much emotion on my face in front of my roommate because I think it will distract me from my speech. And Finlay in class I was able to give my speech very well but I wasn’t able to complete the time limit. Overall, it was an emotionally hard speech but was worth it.

  10. I enjoyed writing this speech. I think figuring out what write down was easy because we wrote about someone we were familiar with. I think that delivering this speech, I found to be a little bit easier. I am unsure if it is because I know a lot about what I am talking about or I am starting to get more comfortable with speaking in front of an audience. I think that my eye contact with the crowd has gotten better but I think that I can for sure work on it a little more, based on the feedback that I got. One think I notice is that I am still having a hard time slowing down my talking. During this speech I spoke too fast which caused me to finish way earlier than expected. I think that consistent practice with this speech also helped me be more confident this time around. I think there are still some areas that I can improve on for next speech.

  11. So far this year I think this was my favorite speech. I think this speech was especially good because I had an emotional connection to the speech because of who it was about. I was just more emotionally invested in the speech and had a vested interest in doing good to be able to express how much Eddie means to me. It gave me a lot of motivation to practice much more than my previous speeches. I also practiced in front of my dog and he was just sitting there looking at me, not a thought behind those eyes, wagging his tail at me. It made me laugh quite a bit but it was really entertaining and encouraging to practice in front of him. The process of writing this was fairly easy, on my ride home from class I had a solid 35-40 minutes to think about how much I appreciate and love him, and then I went on to think about specific situations that show rather than tell how much we both mean to each other. It was kind of a straight shot from there, I wrote it all down and organized it to make logical sense and flow. There were not any large challenges along the way, the thing I had the most difficulty with was finding larger blocks of time to practice, it was a lot of small 5-minute or so sessions rehearsing my speech once, maybe twice. I have just been ridiculously busy and did not even have any time over break to just relax. So I practiced whenever I had a few spare minutes. I do not think I made any major discoveries in this speech, but overall I am happy with the outcome of this speech and the experience I gained from planning, practicing, and performing this speech.

  12. Speech 3 was a very fun speech to be able to do. Although it was hard to present, I loved being able to talk about somebody who is so important to me and being able to share what an amazing person he was. With this speech it was easy for me to see what I still need to work on such as using my paper less for comfort and trusting in myself that I will be able to do the speech without messing up. I think this speech was a lot easier than others since we were so familiar with the topic and it being someone that we are comfortable with. With the dry run and dry dry run I thought both were very helpful because I could tell what needed to be added and what needed to be taken out or moved around which I think helped to make the speech flow a little better together. I took a different approach with this speech being instead of just talking about somebody in the sense of a unstructured speech like our last couple of speeches, I chose to do this one in a structured form of choosing the best three qualities about him because I could talk about him for hours so it helped to limit myself but also get my point across. Overall, I was very satisfied with this speech.

  13. After my speech I would say it went pretty well. I was super nervous about it because when I talk about my brother and what we’ve been through I tend to choke up a lot. It’s also hard showing my vunerable side because I don’t like to show it a lot and only certain people have seen it. I think the speech went better than I thought but not as good as I could have done. I wish I slowed down my speech and didn’t fidget as much. I also have no clue if I even hit the time limit because I felt like I was talking so fast. When I get uncomfortable I tend to talk super fast and I tried to catch myself but I think it was a little too late. I feel way better now that it’s done though. I felt like I did a good job with eye contact and with not looking at my paper a whole lot. I think there are things I still need to work on but that’s normal. I’m hoping the next speech goes better since I won’t be as vunerable and uncomfortable. I think this speech took the most effort out of all of them because I wanted to make it perfect for my brother. I spent a lot of time rephrasing it and rearranging it. Overall I loved the speech but I wish I had delivered it better than I did.

  14. I’m very proud of how my speech came out. I was originally going to talk about someone else who was important to me but decided to shift my focus onto someone else because it felt better than the choice I originally had. Sometimes when I talk about my grandma, I either end up laughing to myself because of all the things we’ve been through or end up missing her because of how far she is from me. I didn’t want to focus on sad stuff though so I wanted to focus on the good and what she has taught me. I like telling stories about her so that people can understand how much of important figure she is to me. I felt very confident going up and I think that showed with how I spoke and kept eye contact with everyone. I can’t help myself to play with my hair because that’s just what I do when I’m nervous. I don’t realize that I am playing with my hair half the time. This was by far my favorite speech out of all of them and I enjoyed it a lot.

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